Septic Engineer

septic engineer

Eckman Environmental Designs, Inc has close to 20 years experience working in the world of wastewater management as septic engineers. By fostering ongoing relationships with agencies in Marin, Napa, Sonoma and Contra Costa counties, we keep up with the latest technologies and stay current on new laws and rules in order to navigate regulatory compliance. At Eckman Environmental Designs, we are creative, strive to find solutions that are often overlooked, and piece together the wastewater puzzle efficiently and on budget. If you are looking for a professional septic engineer then our years of experience, attention to detail and design, and passion for creating excellent solutions will more than fit your needs.

As septic engineers we provide an array of services including, septic engineers, hydraulic load tests, and percolation tests. In addition, our field investigation services include monitoring well installation, groundwater determinations and topographic mapping in connection with the upgrading and new development of on-site waste water systems for individual residences, commercial facilities and small communities. We have extensive experience inspecting, testing and evaluating the condition and performance of existing septic systems in terms of functional capacity, water quality impacts and code compliance, with special expertise in septic engineers and construction management.

If you are looking for an expert septic engineer, than you have come to the right place! Get in touch today, and let Eckman Environmental Designs take care of your needs.